Girl Scouts Pohnpei unity flower

Girl Scouts Pohnpei unity flower


May is Skills month for Girl Scouts Pohnpei and the Challange for this month is to learn three new skills.

Troops around the island have been introduced to the following skill sets: Quality Study Habits, Origami - the Japanese art of paper folding, Jewelry Making, Budgeting/Balancing a Checkbook, Drawing (with emphasis on contour, shading and perspective), Painting and Hospitality.

The skills learned this month are geared toward small business development. As girls learn each new skill, they are encouraged to envision themselves at the helm of a business related to that skill. In the upcoming challenges, more business knowledge and tools will be introduced, and by the end of this year, girls will have created business plans for the skills they are most interested in.

The importance of hobbies and new skill sets for girls cannot be overemphasized. Children here do not have access to hobbies or crafts made from materials that are not indigenous to the island. It is socially acceptable for children of all ages to roam the streets until midnight with nothing to do to keep them out of trouble. This is why girl scouts is so important to the development of girls on the island: because it gives them the keys for a better life.

Girl Scouts does not provide hand-outs; it is an opportunity for girls to give themselves and each other a hand up in the world by taking on the Challenges, learning new things and seeing many more possibilities for themselves than the general community would lead them to believe exist.

Girl Scouts making jewelry from the beautiful beads donated by Laurel Steele and Lori Peterson-Dando. A big thank you to these generous women for donating the beads that three full troops have all made jewelry from!