Girl Scouts Pohnpei unity flower

Girl Scouts Pohnpei unity flower

Girl Scouts Pohnpei celebrates Thinking Day

Girl Scouts of Pohnpei gathered to celebrate the Worldwide Girl Scouts event Thinking Day. The 2012 theme of "We can Save the Planet" inspired a Friendship Garden at the Public Library. Everyone brought a plant and shared in the planting and in the painting of the banners. The girls acted out a tropical storm to impress the power of each element in the balance of our
ecosystems and why it is important to take care of this island and follow the Top Tips of Conservation. Everyone took a list of these Tips that are specific for Pohnpei and developed in partnership with the Conservation Society of Pohnpei, the Natural Resources Conservation Department of USDA, International Organization for Migration and Fenno Brunken, Advisor for Climate Change for an international joint venture corporation. Everyone had fun learning and sharing together. We hope you'll join us next time!

Thank you to Alex Zuccarelli and Yvonne Neth for the amazing photos.