Girl Scouts Pohnpei unity flower

Girl Scouts Pohnpei unity flower


May is Skills month for Girl Scouts Pohnpei and the Challange for this month is to learn three new skills.

Troops around the island have been introduced to the following skill sets: Quality Study Habits, Origami - the Japanese art of paper folding, Jewelry Making, Budgeting/Balancing a Checkbook, Drawing (with emphasis on contour, shading and perspective), Painting and Hospitality.

The skills learned this month are geared toward small business development. As girls learn each new skill, they are encouraged to envision themselves at the helm of a business related to that skill. In the upcoming challenges, more business knowledge and tools will be introduced, and by the end of this year, girls will have created business plans for the skills they are most interested in.

The importance of hobbies and new skill sets for girls cannot be overemphasized. Children here do not have access to hobbies or crafts made from materials that are not indigenous to the island. It is socially acceptable for children of all ages to roam the streets until midnight with nothing to do to keep them out of trouble. This is why girl scouts is so important to the development of girls on the island: because it gives them the keys for a better life.

Girl Scouts does not provide hand-outs; it is an opportunity for girls to give themselves and each other a hand up in the world by taking on the Challenges, learning new things and seeing many more possibilities for themselves than the general community would lead them to believe exist.

Girl Scouts making jewelry from the beautiful beads donated by Laurel Steele and Lori Peterson-Dando. A big thank you to these generous women for donating the beads that three full troops have all made jewelry from!

First Challenges Awarded

The March Culture Challenge was to learn a Micronesian song, dance, handicraft or story to perform for their troop. Challenge accomplished! Each Girl Scout in Pohnpei who took on the month's challenge received a proficiency token.   

Token award ceremonies take place within a Girl Scout's meeting or at a monthly state event. 

These coconut tokens were drilled from old coconut shells by a generous and knowledgable  mathematics professor at the College of Micronesia. Troop leaders worked with the girls to add coconut oil to the shells, paint the tokens and then coated them with polyurethane. The girls were delighted to receive their first token award.The girls added their first tokens to their Girl Scouts bags and wear them with pride. Well done Girl Scouts!

April is Environmental Conservation month

Girl Scouts Pohnpei concentrates on Environmental Conservation in April to honor Earth Day April 22nd. Girl Scouts coordinated with the Conservation Society of Pohnpei, the International Organization for Migration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Conservation Division to develop a consise list of the "Top Twenty Conservation Tips" for Pohnpei.

Help Save the Planet and Our Island
Climate change is happening around the world and on Pohnpei. It is not something that might happen in the future, it’s taking place right now!
Micronesia and all islands are very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change (sea level rise, more frequent and heavier storms, shifting of climate zones, ocean acidification and salinity).
Don´t wait for your parents to take action. Act yourself and you will inspire others to do the same!
1. Do eat local food. Food that is shipped from around the world costs more for the health of the planet and for your wallet. Buying local food supports local farmers.
2. Do drink water from reusable water bottles.
3. Do use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic bags. Making reusable bags will be a future troop activity!
4. Do obey the Pohnpei State law that says: build your pigpens & outhouses at least 50 feet away from river banks and shorelines
5. Do eat less large animal (cow and pig) meat. There are many other protein options that are better for the planet and you, such as beans and fish.
6. Do bring a reusable container to a restaurant or food stand for your take out. Plastics are not biodegradable and they will end up in the ocean.
7. Do have a small home garden in a raised bed to grow a variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs for your family. Make compost and nurture your garden with it. Contact the Agricultural Department for more information on safe composting.
8. Do learn about invasive species on Pohnpei to avoid spreading them on the island.
9. Do ride a bicycle or walk to save fuel and get exercise.
10. Do talk to family and friends about environmental concerns.
1. Don't burn plastics or rubber because it pollutes the air and contributes to climate change.
2. Don't litter. Trash on the ground eventually ends up in the ocean.
3. Don't pour chemicals into streams or rivers.
4. Don't plant sakau in the upland watershed. Clearing the forest damages marine ecosystems.
5. Don’t fish in the Marine Protected Areas and don’t buy undersized fish.
6. Don't clear the mangroves; they hold the shorelines in place and protect our land resources.
7. Don’t clear forest within the watershed boundary.
8. Don’t leave cars running when going into a building.
9. Don’t leave water running while bathing or washing dishes or clothes.
10. Don’t step on or remove coral from the reefs.
For environmental conservation girls learned how to repurpose reused and recycled materials. Old newspapers were turned into paper mache beads and bowls. Aluminum juice packet were woven together into a purse and old tires made into planters.

 Girls attended a composting demonstration at the agricultural department's field demonstration site at the botanical gardens. There they learned how to grow a raised vegetable garden and take food waste to make healthy compost for the garden.

March is Cultural Heritage month

Girl Scouts Pohnpei celebrates cultural heritage by challenging girls to learn a Micronesian craft, dance, story, song or dance in order to earn their March proficiency token. Girls are also encouraged to attend the Yap Day festival near March 1st and the Culture Day festivities every March 30th. This year's Culture Day events were held at the Botanical Gardens with dances and songs performed from many different Micronesian cultures. Girl Scouts who are from the islands of Micronesia learned new things about old traditions from their elders and Girl Scouts who are from abroad learned new things about the culture in which they live. It was a very good month for Girl Scouting in Pohnpei. Five new troops were started and several girls completed their challenge for this month.
Way to go girls!

Girl Scouts Pohnpei celebrates Thinking Day

Girl Scouts of Pohnpei gathered to celebrate the Worldwide Girl Scouts event Thinking Day. The 2012 theme of "We can Save the Planet" inspired a Friendship Garden at the Public Library. Everyone brought a plant and shared in the planting and in the painting of the banners. The girls acted out a tropical storm to impress the power of each element in the balance of our
ecosystems and why it is important to take care of this island and follow the Top Tips of Conservation. Everyone took a list of these Tips that are specific for Pohnpei and developed in partnership with the Conservation Society of Pohnpei, the Natural Resources Conservation Department of USDA, International Organization for Migration and Fenno Brunken, Advisor for Climate Change for an international joint venture corporation. Everyone had fun learning and sharing together. We hope you'll join us next time!

Thank you to Alex Zuccarelli and Yvonne Neth for the amazing photos.